Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Vejo flores em voce (I see flowers in you!)

This comes with a little delay...
It was Friday, I was reaaaaaaaaaally upset...Left the office at 8:30 pm (unacceptable!!!!). 
Again, my tube stories...I was so tired I could barely thing about what to do, if I wanted to just stay home, meet some friends or what...
Actually I was almost sleeping. 
Then this lady got into the tube with these beautiful flowers. She was tiny, the flowers were huge!!!! 
I started creating stories about her. The one I liked the most was the simplest one (and also, honestly, I was tired to keep on creating stories...): she just received flowers from someone special on that Friday as a "flavour" of how the weekend ahead would be. 

Arriving home, look what was waiting for me:

When I left home in the morning, they were all closed. It seems they understood how I was feeling, and just wanted to welcome me home!

Then, I just looked around and realised that my place is full of flowers, the real and the not so real ones...but always flowers...from the beautiful vase it took me 6 months to buy because at first I thought it was a bit too much, to kitsch...

(in case you access the link, please don't think I'm crazy, I bought it on sale!!!)

...to my wonderful paint, the one that brings live to the living room - her name is Yum Yum! I just found this out today, before posting this, and actually, I quite like it!!! (www.louisedear.com)

Vejo flores em voce!!!
(I see flowers in you!!!)


  1. Amei!!! Tua casa tá linda, Lari! Nada como chegar em casa depois de um dia cheio e se sentir especial, só por ter um cantinho só teu, com flores te esperando. Home sweet home!

  2. Lari, amei o vaso kitsch! Quero um! rs
    BTW, flores sao tudo! tambem tenho me dado este presente sempre que possivel!

  3. Me encanta todo Lari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! genia!

  4. Lari, amei! Principalmente a parte de criar histórias. Tb faço isso. Fico imaginando quem seria aquela pessoa, como ela estaria se sentindo, que história ela poderia me contar. É coisa de doido? hahahaha... Pelo menos nao estou sozinha nessa. Amei participar da tua história e do teu caminho até em casa... cheio de flores, como a tua alma! Linda!

  5. Que lindo este post La!!!!!!!!!!
    que loco lo q unas flores, en donde esten y del color q sean, lo q te llenan el corazon :)

  6. Lari dear, flores em casa sao sempre um excelente investimento. Trazem alegria e good vibes para o nosso lugar...Meu fim de semana so começa qdo compro uma braçada de flores.
    Fico feliz em ver que os espelhinhos da parede de entrada continuam firmes e fortes. Tudo lindo, como sempre.
    E pls! nao nos deixe na expectativa. Quando vc nao posta eh como se a Globo dissesse `infelizmente Passione nao ira ao ar esta noite` :(
    Keep posting amiga!!! bjs
