Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Pure charm...

New Coco Mademoiselle campaign staring Keira Knightley...
Music by Joss Stone (loved it!!!), directed by Joe Wright (Pride & Prejudice and Atonement).

I love the colours, the "B&B" combination- beige and black, the boots, the light and the nail polish!!! So feminine yet powerfull!!! Charm combined with attitude...irresistible!

Sorry for the problem with the size of the video on the screen...I don't know how to make it fit properly...Girls, even "bloggers" can face this ;))


What is it?

My definition would be that fraction of a second, a stumble in which something or someone is transformed, becomes something or someone else...it's a before and after...

I encountered this video today and started to think about this thing defined as a "moment"...in how concrete and at the same time how abstract it can be...how "nothing" and how "everything"...in how tangible and how ethereal...a moment, a single, simple moment...

Moments from Everynone on Vimeo.

And then I remembered these poems from Fernando Pessoa. He, the ever great Fernando Pessoa, one of my preferred poets...(Sorry, won't dare to translate...).

Certeza Única é o Mal Presente
Pois que nada que dure, ou que, durando,
Valha, neste confuso mundo obramos,
E o mesmo útil para nós perdemos
Conosco, cedo, cedo.

O prazer do momento anteponhamos
À absurda cura do futuro, cuja
Certeza única é o mal presente
Com que o seu bem compramos.

Amanhã não existe. Meu somente
É o momento, eu só quem existe
Neste instante, que pode o derradeiro
Ser de quem finjo ser?

Foi um momento
O em que pousaste
Sobre o meu braço,
Num movimento
Mais de cansaço
Que pensamento,
A tua mão
E a retiraste.
Senti ou não ?

Não sei. Mas lembro
E sinto ainda
Qualquer memória
Fixa e corpórea
Onde pousaste
A mão que teve
Qualquer sentido
Mas tão de leve!...

Tudo isto é nada,
Mas numa estrada
Como é a vida
Há muita coisa Incompreendida...

Sei eu se quando
A tua mão
Senti pousando
‘Sobre o meu braço,
E um pouco, um pouco,
No coração,
Não houve um ritmo
Novo no espaço?
Como se tu,
Sem o querer,
Em mim tocasses
Para dizer
Qualquer mistério,
Súbito e etéreo,
Que nem soubesses
Que tinha ser.

Assim a brisa
Nos ramos diz
Sem o saber
Uma imprecisa
Coisa feliz.

I wish you good moments this week...and if they don't come to you by chance, I wish you can create them...because I believe a moment can happen from nothing but it can also be conceived, imagined...and then made true, become real.
A moment...yours, mine...

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


When I was living in Brazil, the first thing I used to do in the morning was to open the windows in my room and feel the temperature outside...that breeze of fresh air in the morning was as if the day was welcoming to another special "something".

Here in London that doesn't necessarily work ;(
Usually, instead of a "morning kiss" of fresh air, what you get is a "gentle slap" of cold wind...(I'm being a bit dramatic, I know...)
Anyway, the thing is, this morning I woke up feeling as if I was back home. Perhaps that's because I'm already getting into the mood- counting down, 6 days to go!!! I'll be there, for 10 days!!!! ;)

...Happiness is in the unexpected! To my surprise, better than a "kiss" of fresh air, the day was beautifully sunny and birds were singing...so, what else could I ask for??? Soundtrack for the morning shower was Marisa Monte, this great brazilian singer, so full of soul, with her sensual yet pure and clean voice...good energy to start the day.


Finally spring has arrived! Days "might" be sunny and are definitely longer, birds are singing, the air is not necessarily cold anymore, all the "investment" in sunglasses start showing return!!!
...and beautiful pictures can be taken on your way to work...

This one was taken by Ceci!!!

Besides, if you really want to "blossom" this spring,  Stella McCartney's Spring 2011 collection is all about that!!!

Feliz Primavera!!!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

It's so simple...but it isn't...

It's been a while...better late than never!!!
To kick off 2011 a love inspired message...so cute!!! and simple!!! as love should be...
Hope you like it!