Saturday, 13 October 2012


Up since 5:30 am (Arghhhhhh)
Arrived from China yesterday and I am terrible with time differences...

Have already read (almost finishing Fifty Shades Darker, the 2nd one from the trilogy), tried some outfits (you only do that at 6.30 am when you are 1oo% sure you are losing some weight), applied a snail face mask (news from Korean Skin Care routines), had breakfast (Pancakes included! Yes, my first time doing it, got a recipe from the internet and have to say 1oo% approved!), have tried to talk to a friend in Singapore since in Brazil is still too early to start calling people...and now, some music and words... until someone from London replies to my attempts of communication!!! Wake up Ceci and Sarah!!!

"Eu triste sou calada
Eu brava sou estupida
Eu lucida sou chata
Eu gata sou esperta
Eu cega sou vidente
Eu carente sou insana
Eu malandra sou fresca
Eu seca sou vazia
Eu fria sou distante
Eu quente sou oleosa
Eu prosa sou tantas
Eu santa sou gelada
Eu salgada sou crua
Eu pura sou tentada
Eu sentada sou alta
Eu jovem sou donzela
Eu bela sou futil
Eu util sou boa
Eu a toa sou tua"

(BTW, Savages, the movie is great!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Lindo, Lari Linda!!!,

    Tb acordei cedo, tb experimentei roupitas, mas nao comi pancakes...mas amanha comerei bolo !

    Beijo !!Tia Helo
